My mom is undoubtedly one of the most amazing women I know, now I’m sure a lot of you think the same way about your mothers, and that’s fine! The importance of mothers in our lives cannot be over-emphasized.
Ever imagined your mother, in that labor room fighting for her life, while also trying to bring you into the world, the pains and anguish she went through? Or the sleepless nights she endured to make sure you had a sound sleep? Or how she sacrifices her dreams and aspirations just to give you the best.

The Love of a mother to her child is unarguably the greatest love in the world. This kind of love is displayed in many ways; through prayers, scolding, discipline, pampering, the list is endless. A mother wants her children to stand out wherever they find themselves and she will do whatever it takes to achieve this. No amount or reward will ever be enough to repay a mother’s love, all we can do is appreciate them and shower them with lots of love.
SMOOV chapman is celebrating our mum’s contribution to the family, her efforts towards making the society a better place and also giving our Mums a platform to express their talents. Come 12th of May at the Radisson Blu, our mums will be treated to an exclusive party (strictly by invitation). It will be a time to relax, have fun and party.
To win an invite to the SMOOV Moms Day out Party, follow us on our social media pages @smoovchapman, upload a one-minute video of your mum displaying her talent, get your friends to like the video and follow us. The 15 videos with the highest number of likes win two VIP tickets each to the party and also other amazing prizes.
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